Portfolio valuation
Every year, IAZI analyses several thousand investment properties with a market value of more than CHF 200 billion. An experienced national network of experts helps to ensure the necessary resources at all times and is available to provide valuations that are close to the current market situation. The proprietary portfolio management and valuation software ‘REPM’ ensures a smooth process for a fast and flawless data exchange thanks to standardised interfaces with common property management softwares.
IAZI follows a comprehensive valuation process in its property valuations.
- Inspection of properties following a predefined schedule
- Assessment of all property and location characteristics
- Preparation and check of property data
- Assessment of the land registry and tenancy law conditions
- Investment plan over 10 years
- Estimation of rental potential (market/property analysis) and operating and maintenance costs
- Determination of the nominal and real discount rate in line with market conditions, including explanation of premiums and discounts
Your benefits
With the portfolio management software ‘REPM’, large property portfolios can be efficiently and punctually evaluated at any time.
Through a national network of experts, IAZI has sufficient resources to carry out inventory and balance sheet valuations of large property portfolios throughout Switzerland.
The valuation is underpinned by exclusive and updated IAZI market data on transaction prices, yields, existing and asking rents, as well as all relevant expenses.
IAZI performs valuations in accordance with all the major valuation and accounting standards, in particular IFRS/IAS, Swiss GAAP FER and Swiss Valuation Standards (SVS).
To help you optimise your real estate portfolio, IAZI can also provide you with professional and methodological support beyond the valuation mandate.
We also prepare building condition analyses and investment plans for our clients to provide a sound basis for annual revaluations of real estate portfolios
With the portfolio management software ‘REPM’, large property portfolios can be efficiently and punctually evaluated at any time.
Through a national network of experts, IAZI has sufficient resources to carry out inventory and balance sheet valuations of large property portfolios throughout Switzerland.
The valuation is underpinned by exclusive and updated IAZI market data on transaction prices, yields, existing and asking rents, as well as all relevant expenses.
IAZI performs valuations in accordance with all the major valuation and accounting standards, in particular IFRS/IAS, Swiss GAAP FER and Swiss Valuation Standards (SVS).
To help you optimise your real estate portfolio, IAZI can also provide you with professional and methodological support beyond the valuation mandate.
We also prepare building condition analyses and investment plans for our clients to provide a sound basis for annual revaluations of real estate portfolios
- DCF method
- Residual value method
- Real value method
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Erat et sed lobortis risus ante
What Our Clients Say
Hear firsthand how our clients benefit from our consulting services and innovative software solutions. Here, they share their experiences and results.