Cost approach
The cost approach is based on the premise that a buyer would not pay more for a property than he would have to pay for the land and the construction of the building. Accordingly, this value is made up of two components: the land value and the current value of the building.
Generally speaking, this method can be applied to any type of real estate and is therefore particularly suitable for valuing properties that do not generate any income.
Establishing the value of the building
To determine the value of the building, the current value of the building structure is computed. This is done by determining the construction cost of the building structure and other in- and outdoor facilities (including ancillary costs) and taking into account the depreciation due to age.
Market conditions on the local property market are not accurately reflected in the value of the building structure. They are included in the value through the land value. The building structure’s value is influenced mainly by construction laws, volume and height restrictions, possible uses, construction method and quality, development costs and age of the building. Furthermore, regional differences in construction costs are taken into account by IAZI when computing a building structure’s net value.
The challenge of determining land value
The main difficulty of the cost approach is to determine the value of the land rather than computing the value of the building structure. IAZI disposes of exclusive land price models based on its transaction data to estimate land values. Alternatively, the location class method can also be used. The location class method is a scoring method to determine the relative land value. Where possible, the land values are compared with the current transaction prices of development land.
Wir bringen Jahrzehnte an Erfahrung im Schweizer Immobilienmarkt mit und haben enge Verbindungen zu wichtigen Akteuren. Diese Marktnähe verleiht unseren Bewertungen eine hohe Glaubwürdigkeit.
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- DCF-Methodik
- Residualwertverfahren
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